English translation for "at hiroshima and nagasaki"
- 原子弹幸存者
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | I am often asked if i ever think of the japanese who died at hiroshima and nagasaki [我经常被问起是否曾经想到广岛和长崎死难的日本人。 | | 2. | These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found , on a par with those found at hiroshima and nagasaki 这些骷髅甚至还发现了最多的放射物,就像在广岛和长崎一样。 | | 3. | These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found , on a par with those found at hiroshima and nagasaki 这些骸骨当中可以发现放射性元素,就像在广岛和长崎找到的一样。 | | 4. | These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found , on a par with those found at hiroshima and nagasaki 这些具有极强辐射的骨架曾经被发现,跟在广岛和长崎发现的一样。 |
- Similar Words:
- "at high dose rate" English translation, "at high noon" English translation, "at high pressure" English translation, "at high tide" English translation, "at high velocity" English translation, "at home" English translation, "at home and abroad" English translation, "at home at the door at the corner" English translation, "at home in" English translation, "at home in a castle" English translation